Year of the Bible - Monday, March 27:
Monday, March 27 - Acts 27:13-38

The sailors wanted to escape from the ship. So they lowered the lifeboat into the water, pretending that they were letting down an anchor from the front of the ship. But Paul said to Captain Julius and the soldiers, 'If the sailors don't stay on the ship, you won't have any chance to save your lives.' The soldiers then cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it fall into the sea.

Just before daylight Paul begged the people to eat something. He told them, 'For fourteen days you have been so worried that you haven't eaten a thing. I beg you to eat something. Your lives depend on it. Do this and not one of you will be hurt.'

After Paul had said this, he took a piece of bread and gave thanks to God. Then in front of everyone, he broke the bread and ate some.

They all felt encouraged, and each of them ate something. There were 276 people on the ship, and after everyone had eaten, they threw the cargo of wheat into the sea to make the ship lighter.

I wonder if any of these 276 were believers ... or if they became believers during this voyage ...
Food and Fitness 5k
Mallory, Missie, and Macy in the background checking out the food Posted by Picasa
Food and Fitness 5k

Mike carrying Meah

Lisa and Christie in the background
Missie, Chelle in the background Posted by Picasa
Food and Fitness 5k
Marah and Mike in the background
Micah, Marah

Mike in the background

Mike and Meah in the background
Mike and Meah

Meah did not like the race to much Posted by Picasa
Food and Fitness 5k

Doug and Grant

Doug and Grant

Doug, Mike
Marah, Meah, and Micah Posted by Picasa
Year of the Bible - Tuesday, March 14
Tuesday, March 14 - Acts 19:21-41

The Riot in Ephesus

After all of this had happened, Paul decided to visit Macedonia and Achaia on his way to Jerusalem. Paul had said, 'From there I will go on to Rome.' So he sent his two helpers, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia. But he stayed on in Asia for a while. At that time there was serious trouble because of the Lord's Way. A silversmith named Demetrius had a business that made silver models of the temple of the goddess Artemis. Those who worked for him earned a lot of money.
Year of the Bible - Wednesday, March 8:
Wednesday, March 8 - Acts 15:22-16:5

Timothy Works with Paul and Silas

Paul and Silas went back to Derbe and Lystra, where there was a follower named Timothy. His mother was also a follower. She was Jewish, and his father was Greek. The Lord's followers in Lystra and Iconium said good things about Timothy, and Paul wanted him to go with them. But Paul first had him circumcised, because all the Jewish people around there knew that Timothy's father was Greek. As Paul and the others went from city to city, they told the followers what the apostles and leaders in Jerusalem had decided, and they urged them to follow these instructions. The churches became stronger in their faith, and each day more people put their faith in the Lord.

It is interesting that Paul had Timothy circumcised ... I wonder why?

Paul had a lot of trouble in this chapter ... Barnabas and him got in a fight over John and went their seperate ways ...

Very interesting ...
Year of the Bible - Thursday, March 2: "Herod Causes Trouble for the Church
At that time King Herod caused terrible suffering for some members of the church. He ordered soldiers to cut off the head of James, the brother of John. When Herod saw that this pleased the Jewish people, he had Peter arrested during the Festival of Thin Bread. He put Peter in jail and ordered four squads of soldiers to guard him. Herod planned to put him on trial in public after the festival. While Peter was being kept in jail, the church never stopped praying to God for him. "
Year of the Bible - Wednesday, March 1:
Wednesday, March 1 - Acts 11.1-30
"God gave those Gentiles the same gift that he gave us when we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. So how could I have gone against God? When they heard Peter say this, they stopped arguing and started praising God. They said, 'God has now let Gentiles turn to him, and he has given life to them!'"
Quite Times by Mike Potter

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