Year of the Bible - Friday, February 25:
Acts 9.1-25

Saul becomes a believer.
Year of the Bible - Monday, February 23

Acts 7.48-8.13

This is one of the most gruesome accounts of a disciples death. Saul was right there, it seemed he was leading the way.

I like the story about Simon the wizard as well...

13 Even Simon believed and was baptized. He stayed close to Philip, because he marveled at all the miracles and wonders.

Later on it does not go to well for him ...
Year of the Bible - Sunday, February 22:
Acts 7.23-47

This is the part were Stephen is quoting the whole Jew's history.

Year of the Bible - Tuesday, February 17: Acts 4.1-22

The apostles were still talking to the people, when some priests, the captain of the temple guard, and some Sadducees arrived.

2 These men were angry because the apostles were teaching the people that the dead would be raised from death, just as Jesus had been raised from death.

I think the Sadducees believed that when you die that is it. No after life. So they did not like the idea of being raised from the dead. The were pissed.

Year of the Bible - Monday, February 16
21 But Jesus must stay in heaven until God makes all things new, just as his holy prophets promised long ago.

I have been looking at verses that explain when Jesus is coming back. I am not sure if this gives a time table because God can make anything new anytime.

Thanks God that you are coming back.

Year of the Bible - Thursday, February 12:

Matthew 27.57-28.20

What Jesus' Followers Must Do
16 Jesus' eleven disciples went to a mountain in Galilee, where Jesus had told them to meet him. 17 They saw him and worshiped him, but some of them doubted. 18 Jesus came to them and said: I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! 19 Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 20 and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.

I blows me away that some of them doubted, why did they doubt.

Last night we read where Marah's name - Exodus 15:23

Year of the Bible - Wednesday, February 11
Matthew 27.27-56

I wonder what it was like on the day Jesus died. It says in verse 39 - People who passed by said terrible things about Jesus. They shook their heads ...

I wonder what people said ... were they mad because He claimed to be God ... were they just being stupid and making fun of him ...

kind of like in the movie ... "the Green Mile" ... he was falsely accused ... he was sentenced to the electric chair for something he didn't do ... he did not kill those girls ... the bad man did ... he tried to save them but it was to late.

All I can see is the angry father shouting "I hope you rott in HELL!!!" with his face beet red.

Wow ... kind of like the U2 song "Still haven't found what I am looking for" ... He took all my shame all my shame ... they should have been making fun of me ... spitting on me ... I deserved to die ... not him.
Year of the Bible - Tuesday, February 10: Matthew 27.1-26

The blame game, I didn't kill Jesus you did, I didn't kill Jesus you did. Judas blames the priests. The priests blame Judas. Pilate blames the people.

No one wanted anything to do with his death, but they did not want his life either.
Year of the Bible - Monday, February 9
Matthew 26.57-75

Galileen's must talk funny, how did they know if was from Galilee. Maybe he had a Southern accent?
Year of the Bible - Tuesday, February 3 - Matthew 23.27-24.14

Matthew 23:14 - When the good news about the kingdom has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come.

Has this happened yet? I would guess not since the end is not here.
Year of the Bible - Monday, February 2:
Matthew 23.1-26
Matthew 23:5a - Everything they do is just to show off in front of others.

I need to really check my motives of why I am doing what I am doing. I am always thinking that would be cool to be on stage, everyone look at me, see what I am doing.

One time when I was young at our place up on Rose Lake ... fourth of July weekend ... we were walking back and saw a kids riding in the back of a pickup shooting of sparklers ... little did they know ... the sparklers were catching on fire in the road ... so we ran up to it and put it out ... I saw the next fire up ahead and ran ... instead of just putting it out like my brothers did, I started yelling, "Fire!, Fire!" so as many people as possible could watch me put it out ... my brother ran behind me started stomping it out and said "just put it out"...

I need to check my heart ... make sure I am doing ministry for the right reasons ...
Quite Times by Mike Potter

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